Viswa Subbaraman

Opera and Orchestra Conductor

Inauguration Weekend (Part 1)

So an interesting trip is beginning. (I know it seems as though I just got home from one). I'm in DC now, and I'll be in NYC for a week starting on Sunday. I was invited to Indiaspora's Inaugural Ball. As I've talked about in the past, Indiaspora is an organization that I think is becoming extremely interesting. When I attended the summit, I honestly did not think it would blossom like this. Partly because a good number of us from Indiaspora are keeping in touch, and the founder, MR Rangaswami, has done a lot to keep everyone involved. The inaugural ball is tonight, and I'm excited I fit in my skinny tux for it. Thank you Crossfit. I arrived on Thursday, however, and have spent the past two days with my very first conducting teacher Mike Votta. When I was at Duke, I was premed like all good Indian kids, but I kept realizing that the place I was happiest was in the music building. It was during the Wind Symphony's residence in Vienna when I decided (over mediocre Mexican food) while talking to Mike that maybe I should jump in the music (conducting) pool.

I don't think he quite knew what he was getting into. It was during that trip that I saw my first professional orchestra concert - the Vienna Philharmonic - in the Musikverein. Claudio Abbado conducted. It's been downhill ever since. I really knew very little about music. (Mike has many an embarrassing story about that, and I'm praying he keeps them quiet. Though the number of people he's already told…)

It has been good catching up. I'm so happy that he's at a program where he really enjoys his life. It's also interesting to be able to talk about music and conducting on a different plane. No matter how old I get, I always learn when I talk to Mike. Tonight is the inaugural ball. Next week I get to see Maestro Masur after a number of years. Reunions abound.